$27 a month

Metabolic & Fasting Accountability Partner

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Metabolic & Fasting Accountability Partner

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I'll give you dedicated accountability as your personal coach. My sole job is to give you clarity on what needs to get done and the accountability to make sure you do it.

All You Need To Do Is Show Up. 

If you're tired of installing a new tool or testing out a new system only to fall off just a few weeks later, this is for you.

This only gets better over time.

The best part is: No will power is required. No course to take, no complicated apps, no books to read, or workbooks to fill out.

All you need to do is show up —- and I take care of the rest.

I'll Help You Craft a Fine-Tuned Weekly or Bi-Weekly Action Plan

Once a week, at a time you commit to, you’ll get on the phone with me to create your weekly or bi-weekly action plan.

I'll Do All The Heavy Lifting 

  • asking the right questions
  • organizing your thoughts
  • taking detailed notes on each session
  • breaking down goals into realistic action steps
  • scheduling time on your calendar
  • tracking results and progress

…so you effectively clarify your goals, identify your highest impact activities, and create a focused action plan for the week ahead.

You finish the call with your week’s game-plan set, scheduled and mapped out and using the Cronometer app (which will track your progress). I'll also email you a personalized summary for reference.

I'll Keep You Accountable & Taking Action

Armed with your plan, you go into your week with incredible clarity and focus. You no longer feel overwhelmed. You wake up in the morning and operate with deliberate intention because you already know exactly what you need to do for the day.

Throughout the week, I'll check in with you via email or SMS to make sure you’re on track.

I'll help you review each week and improve. I'll start by analyzing your past 7 days: Successes. Struggles. What worked. What didn’t. What you could do better next time. We’ll celebrate the wins and draw powerful insights from any obstacles you faced.

The Results Keep Getting Better and Better.

Before you know it, you start gaining momentum and things start getting easier. You start feeling more confident about yourself and the path you are on.

Normally, self-sabotage might start creeping in at this point, but you are no longer going about it all by yourself.

I'm right there next to you, keeping you on track, killing shiny object syndrome, holding you accountable, and helping you maintain the momentum and speed you’ve picked up.

Create An Environment of Success

The foolish try to do everything themselves and waste valuable time, energy, and willpower grinding it out on their own.

The smartest build systems around themselves that make things automatic and effortless.

Getting an accountability coach is like installing a new system into your life that makes things easier.


There are apps that cost more than what I'm charging. Try me out for 30 days 100% risk-free. If you don’t feel like you have improved, then email me within the first 30 days and I’ll promptly refund your payment in full.

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