7 Common Mistakes in Sprouting

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You will be a sprouting wizard when you finish this book! And if you don't learn a thing, your investment of $14 will be cheerfully refunded, without questions.

Feel You Know Sprouting?

So did I. And I messed up on 3 or 4 of these simply because I "was" getting some sprouts, so I must be doing it right. 

But I could have had even bigger yields and spent less on seeds, and time!

Why Concentrate on Broccoli Sprouts?

Because they are easy and the most beneficial, healthwise, in all of sproutland.

First, as you probably know, they produce sulforaphane when chewed. I will show you the best days to harvest and a little trick I find that makes your sprouts that much more hardy.

In addition, these were mentioned to me because I'm fighting cancer at the moment and the science is valid on the effect on cancer cells.

Even though you may not have cancer, sulforaphane helps in many other areas in the body. And that's why I talk about it. I want to help others with their health.

Now, these tips will help you with other seeds as well. Don't worry!

Who Is This Book For?

This is for people wanting to get into sprouting, and for longtime sprouters, as well. Why? Because as newbies, there is the desire to do it right. And as pros, well, we are always learning, experimenting, improving.

Prove Me Wrong

Get the book, read it over (quick read!) and if you don't learn a thing, ask for a refund. Simple. All of my books are sold the same way. This is one of my streams of income as I traverse the journey of healing from cancer. And people all over the world have been quite generous. 😊

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7 Common Mistakes in Sprouting

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